Saturday, December 18, 2010

There's Never Any Time... Not!!!

The other day I was showing my husband a photo in the January issue of Runner’s World magazine of the view from the Big Sur Marathon. I was wishing I could run that marathon next year. His response, “Who has time for that?” really bothered me. What has time to do with it? It’s not about time.

I know it’s easy to bemoan the lack of time as reason enough to give up on things. I’ve tossed out that excuse far too often. I performed a quick tally of all the wasted time in my day- the ten minutes on Facebook which morphs into 45 minutes or an hour; the fifteen minutes at Starbucks for the caramel latte which I need like I need another hole in my head; searching for one small piece of information online which can wind up eating an hour or more; a trip to the mall for a pair of socks, one hour or three, if I have my children with me.

You get my drift.

If I were to pick through my day with a fine-toothed comb I’d be able to find more than a dozen of these time-wasters in a day. The first hurdle to discovering time is learning to focus on the things that you want to do. For me right now, it’s finishing my novel and running a marathon next year. (This is just the short list of long-term goals.) If I put these two things first and let all these little time-wasters fall to the way-side. I will discover new-found time.

Great advice but the hard part is putting this advice into practice.

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